How ACTIVE PERSON CENTRED SUPPORT positively enhances the lives of anyone with a disability

When Active Person Centred Support is consistently used during services for Participants with a disability, enhanced quality of life is more readily accessible. 


Active Person Centred Support is a different way of thinking and delivering supports and services. Do with, not for, model - not take over, expand on skills Participants already have to support the progression of their goals.

Encouraging independent steps in every part of the process.


Active Person Centred Support encourages participants to exercise complete choice and control and engage in meaningful and fulfilling activities and social relationships.  Not just in the Participant’s home but in their local and broader community. Naturally, self-determination is built when every activity has the Participants’ input.


Life is for living.  Active Person Centred Support promotes and encourages this every step of the way.


We all want to be respected and uphold our personal dignity.


We all want choice and control over our lives.


We all innately strive for independence.


We all desire to have full participation and inclusion in our communities


We all seek acceptance and respect for our differences, no matter how that relates to our personal self-expression or disability diagnosis.


We are all human beings and are uniquely diverse and different in so many ways 


Absolutely Every Moment has the potential to uphold and sustain Active Person Centred Support,



Importance of self-care


How Therapy Animals Reduce Stress